
Showing posts from June, 2020

Social Bubbles can limit COVID-19 better than Social Distancing?

As we all are aware about pandemic COVID-19 (coronavirus disease). It has become a huge threat to everyone from past few months. Although we all try to protect ourselves from this disease by maintaining social distancing and by doing other things like exercise,frequent hand washing,proper hygiene, eating healthy food,etc. According to Oxford study Social bubbles can limit COVID-19 better than social distancing. What is A Social Bubble?  A Social bubble is a close set of people i.e like family with whom we interact on regular basis. Keeping in mind the pandemic COVID-19 during current lockdown, a social bubble should be limited to members of a household with whom we interact on regular basis. However, as things normalise this bubble can grow larger. It can then include close friends, relatives and neighbours. In later stage it can expand further. The idea is that if people decide to expand their bubble gradually and make sure that they meet and contact only the persons of the


Teleportation is the transfer of matter or energy. Transfer from one point to another at a long distance. Thus teleportation is a peculiar phenomenon by which a person can travel a great distance in fraction of second.  I think teleportation is the most fascinating concept. As we all know about Narad Muni, he travels from one place to another within fraction of seconds. Basically on the basis of science we can say that they used teleportation. In our century, It has been observed for microscopic particle. Although it has not yet been implemented in real world (Macro particles).  Basically teleportation can be possible using the concept of quantum entanglement. Quantum entanglement  Quantum entanglement :-when the two particles (usually photons) created together,they behave like twins.Which  Means their behaviour is same and they can have same spin wave,Even without having physical connection between them. They just mimic each other even at vast distance(usually ca