
Showing posts from May, 2020


Hey all ! Let us all get through a very simple and quick experiment . Many of you might have already come across this . In a complete dark room light a candle  . You noticed the shadow of the candle on the wall but not the flame ?  Quite interesting and surprising at the same time . Now place a torch behind the candle .        Did you notice the Shadow this time ? Well, Here's  a very simple explanation for it . If the light source behind the fire is brighter than the source itself , the flame would cast a shadow . Shadow is just a darker area which appears when an object blocks the light . Therefore, Flame doesn't cast a shadow because flame itself is a bright source of light and is mixture of many gases summing up to be transparent upto some extent But if you look closely , you will see the bright edge of the shadow . This validates that light was not simply absorbed but was also pushed to the side where it congregate up a bit causing a 

Doraemon's gadget in real life

        Many of us have watched doraemon in our childhood. Even many of us still like to watch cartoons. Being child, we all wondered by the gadgets of doraemon. Many of them are exist in real life and many of them will surely exist in future.  Some of the gadgets which do exist in real life are   Bamboo copter: - Bamboo Copter Jetpack Copterpack  In today's life Jetpack and copterpack resemble this bamboo copter. With the help of this  we can fly above the ground, just like Nobita do. Although the jetpack and copterpack has some limitations like they cannot fly for long time. I hope we'll surely overcome this limitation soon. Konyako Translator:- Translator  Through this gadget doraemon can translate those language to their own language to which they are unaware. Like them we also have translators like google translator and so many like them. Dream Reader :- American scientist, Dr Jack Gallant from University of California stated: “O

Molecular energy levels (Spectroscopy)

 Spectroscopy                                                                                     It is the branch of science which deals with the study of interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter. Because of such interaction the matter absorbs or emits the energy in discrete amounts called quanta. The molecule has electronic, vibrational and rotational energy levels.  ELECTRONIC ENERGY LEVELS:- The difference between the electronic energy level is very large and hence spacing between them is large. Usually these levels are denoted by  E1, E2, E3......... The difference between two electronic energy levels goes on decreasing. i.e (E2-E1) >(E3-E2) (E3-E2) >(E4-E3) Electronic energy levels  VIBRATIONAL ENERGY LEVELS :- Each electronic energy levels are further sub-divided into group of vibrational energy levels,denoted by V0, V1, V2........Vn i.e Between E1 and E2 there are V0, V1, V2........Vn vibrational energy levels. The di

Barnard's Loop(astronomy)

Barnard's Loop To understand the concept of Barnard's Loop, we have to understand some certain things as follows:- 1) Nebula :-  It is an interstellar cloud of dust,hydrogen, helium and other ionized gases. Most Nebulae(plural form of nebula) are of vast size. Some of them are hundred light years in diameter.  2) Orion Nebula :-  Orion nebula  It is a diffuse nebula situated in the Milky way, Being south of the orion's belt it is one of the brightest nebula and is visible to the naked eye in the night sky.  3) Horsehead Nebula :- It is small dark nebula in the constellation orion. As it looks like the shape of a head of a horse so it is called horse head nebula.  The nebula is located just to the south of Alnitak, the eastermost star of orion's belt.  Horsehead nebula 4) Emission nebula :-  It  is a nebula formed of ionized gases that emit light of various wavelengths. The most common source of ionization is high-energy ult

Ensemble and its Types

Ensemble   For any given macrostate (N, V, E), a statistical system, at any time t, is equally likely to be in any one of the extremely large number of its distinct microstates. With the passage of time the system switches itself from one microstate to another. So at a single instant of time we can consider the number of systems, i.e all being some sort of mental copies of the given system. For example we have a system of macrostate (N, V, E), having 'n' microstates. The system will switch itself from one microstate to another. So at a single instant the system can be in any of 'n' microstates. Thus we assume that there are 'n' mental copies of system which are present in 'n' microstates. Ensemble are of mainly of three types :- 1) Microcanonical Ensemble 2) Canonical Ensemble  3) Grand canonical Ensemble  Microcanonical Ensemble :- In this ensemble the macrostate of a system is defined by the number of molecules N, the volume V, the energ

Schrodinger cat's experiment

Although Schrodinger cat's experiment is totally hypothetical, but it explains the superposition concept quite well. Many of us are fond of quantum physics, but it is not everyone's cup of tea. We can not understand it by comparing with physical world. It's all about mathematics and far more than that. At the very start many people believed that, there is no such thing as quantum physics. But they were wrong. In schrodinger cat's experiment, it is suppose a cat is put in a box with a radioactive element kept in a glass flask and a hammer is hang upon it. If the cat tries to come out of the locked box the hammer will break the glass flask and the cat will die due to radioactive element and if we try to open the box the hammer will still break the glass flask . In both the cases the cat will die. But the interesting thing is we can not predict whether the cat is alive or not in box. May be cat dies before we open the box or surely die when we open the box. So it is c