Hey all ! Let us all get through a very simple and quick experiment . Many of you might have already come across this .
In a complete dark room light a candle  . You noticed the shadow of the candle on the wall but not the flame ?

 Quite interesting and surprising at the same time . Now place a torch behind the candle .

       Did you notice the Shadow this time ?

Well, Here's  a very simple explanation for it .
If the light source behind the fire is brighter than the source itself , the flame would cast a shadow .
Shadow is just a darker area which appears when an object blocks the light . Therefore, Flame doesn't cast a shadow because flame itself is a bright source of light and is mixture of many gases summing up to be transparent upto some extent

But if you look closely , you will see the bright edge of the shadow . This validates that light was not simply absorbed but was also pushed to the side where it congregate up a bit causing a  bright edge

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